sobota, 20 września 2014

Masz wiadomość: Niezałatwiona sprawa

"'Last night I went to meet you, and you weren 't there. I wish I knew why. I felt so foolish. As l waited, someone else showed up. A man who has made my professional life a misery. And an amazing thing happened. I was able, for the first time... to say the exact thing I wanted to say... at the exact moment I wanted to say it. And of course, afterwards I felt terrible... just as you said I would. (...) I hope you have a reason for not coming. You don 't seem like the kind of
person who'd do that. The thing about this form of communication... is you're likely to talk about nothing. But just want to say... all this nothing has meant more to me than so many... somethings. So, thanks. Goodbye.'(...)
'Dear friend: I cannot tell you what happened last night. But I beg you from the bottom of my heart... to forgive me for not being there. For what happened. I feel terrible that you found yourself in a situation... that caused you additional pain. But I'm absolutely sure... that whatever you said last night was provoked. Even deserved. Everyone says things they regret when they're stressed. You were expecting to see someone you trusted... and met the enemy instead. The fault is mine. Someday I'll explain everything. Meanwhile... I'm still here. Talk to me.'"
(You’ve Got Mail, 1998, Warner Bros)
(Scenariusz: Nora Ephron, Delia Ephron
Na podstawie: Miklós LászlóParfumerie(art)
Napisy en:
I mimo, że sprawa nie została dzisiaj załatwiona,
wierzę, że w Twoim wykonaniu będzie usprawiedliwiona;
Bo zawsze się starasz, by jak już masz coś zrobić,
by było dobrze zrobione;
I za to Cię cenię, jeden z najwspanialszych ludzi,
zdrowy, miły i wymarzony.
(sierpień 2013, fragm., remeake z 10.2010)

Powiązane: , Masz wiadomość 1998, Meg Ryan, Meg Ryan – Kathleen Kelly, Niezałatwiona sprawa, Tom Hanks, Unresolved Issue, Warner, wiadomość, You’ve Got Mail 1998, You’ve, You’ve Got.

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